
Easy HTML To Any Script Converter allows users to set different options to operate program settings, change interface language etc.

When you run program the first time its all options are established by default. Upon termination the configuration file in the program directory is created and all established parameters and attributes are remembered and at the following start of the program are restored.

  • Remembered Last Opened Tab on Exit ù is useful for users which prefer to work with definite mode and rarely use other modes.
  • Remember Input Directory Address ù works ONLY under 'Single File' mode and allows to remember the directory of last opened source HTML file.
  • Remember Output Directory Address ù also works ONLY under 'Single File' mode and allows to remember the directory of last saved script file.
  • Copy Output Code To Clipboard Automatically (for Text Blocks Only) ù works only with 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' tabs and allows to set automatically copying of generated code to the clipboard, upon finishing the matching message will be displayed in the statusbar.
  • Interface Language ù allows to switch between existing interface languages. Here you can read more about interface translating.